“Mom, Dad, Are We Rich?”

“Dad, how does God look like?”

“Mom, if babies are made in heaven, how did i get into your belly?”

You probably have been caught in this awkward and weird situation with your child, or your niece or nephew. Sometimes you wonder why the toughest questions in the world come from them.

Would you lie or would you tell the truth? How would you explain the existence of God or reveal intimate details about two adults living as one as a married couple? How you wish you can Google or Wikipedia the answers to them on the spot. Continue reading “Mom, Dad, Are We Rich?”

Three Anti-Impulse Buying Reflections This Christmas

Christmas day is fast approaching. A couple of weeks more and you’ll be opening a lot of gift boxes and read tons of greetings in Facebook or Twitter. You’d probably be using Pinterest this time around to share Christmas posters and greeting cards. Cheapskate, aren’t you. 😉

Most of you must have already started enjoying your bonuses and the fruits of your hardwork. Some of you have probably took some of profits and dividends from your investments. Heading out for the malls or fair this weekend to buy gifts for family and friends?

However which way you may have received those blessings and how you want to enjoy them, it is best that you prepare yourself and your emotions for the probability of impulsive decisions this Season.

Consider asking yourself the following reflection questions before pulling out those crispy bills or credit cards out of your wallets. Continue reading Three Anti-Impulse Buying Reflections This Christmas