7 Summer Small Business Ideas for OFW Wives in the Philippines

As the school year winds down, the pressing reality of upcoming tuition fees looms large for many OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) families.

To help alleviate financial strain and provide avenues for additional income, here are seven summer small business ideas tailored for OFW wives in the Philippines.

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Slow Days Suck: 7 Ways to Rock Your Restaurant Back to Full Tables

Okay, folks, let’s face it – running a restaurant is a hustle. Some days you’re crushing it, the kitchen’s on fire (in a good way), and the cash register is singing. But then there are those dreaded slow days. You know, when your staff outnumbers the guests, and the echo of crickets gets more obnoxious than that cheap blender you thought was a steal.

I’ve been there, friends. Those long, soul-crushing hours where your stomach churns more than that ancient deep fryer. But before you reach for the cheap whiskey and a sad playlist, there’s hope! I’m about to give you seven ways to fight back, get those seats filled, and make slow days a little less sucky. Continue reading Slow Days Suck: 7 Ways to Rock Your Restaurant Back to Full Tables

Mahal, Pabalik Na Ako: A Guide to Coming Home, Heart and Wallet Ready

To the weary warriors of the world, the modern-day heroes we call OFWs, and to the families who hold their love aloft like a beacon – this message is for you. You, who have sacrificed years, swallowed tears, and braved the unknown, all for the dream of a better life back home.

We see you. We feel your longing, etched in every video call, echoed in every peso sent across oceans. We hear the whispers of “pabalik na ako” – a promise etched in your heart, a song on your lips. Continue reading Mahal, Pabalik Na Ako: A Guide to Coming Home, Heart and Wallet Ready