Three Anti-Impulse Buying Reflections This Christmas

Christmas day is fast approaching. A couple of weeks more and you’ll be opening a lot of gift boxes and read tons of greetings in Facebook or Twitter. You’d probably be using Pinterest this time around to share Christmas posters and greeting cards. Cheapskate, aren’t you. 😉

Most of you must have already started enjoying your bonuses and the fruits of your hardwork. Some of you have probably took some of profits and dividends from your investments. Heading out for the malls or fair this weekend to buy gifts for family and friends?

However which way you may have received those blessings and how you want to enjoy them, it is best that you prepare yourself and your emotions for the probability of impulsive decisions this Season.

Consider asking yourself the following reflection questions before pulling out those crispy bills or credit cards out of your wallets. Continue reading Three Anti-Impulse Buying Reflections This Christmas

What Happens To Your Stocks and Other Investments When You Die?

What happens to your stocks when you die?

They’ll get stuck. Just kidding. 😉

Some of my colleagues and forum members were asking me this question as I was promoting to them the benefits of investing in the stock market. I know. This should have been written last month during Halloween.

But seriously, this is one question that any investor should not be ashamed to ask. As a matter of fact, this should really be discussed by any investing family person with his or her family members and loved ones even during ordinary days. And with disasters such as the recent typhoon, we really need to be ready.

Someone from your family must know the things to do when you die. One of these is taking care of your estate. Continue reading What Happens To Your Stocks and Other Investments When You Die?