Bravo, You’re A Philanthropist!

Most people that I talk to would always say,

“Pag yumaman ako, magdo-donate ako!” (When I get rich, I will donate!)

Well, you don’t have have to wait ’til you get rich to become a philanthropist. Because you might just be already doing that, albeit, not to the less fortunate. Safe to say that you are a poor (oh sorry, I mean middle class) working professional practicing philanthropy for the rich. Continue reading Bravo, You’re A Philanthropist!

“Mom, Dad, Are We Rich?”

“Dad, how does God look like?”

“Mom, if babies are made in heaven, how did i get into your belly?”

You probably have been caught in this awkward and weird situation with your child, or your niece or nephew. Sometimes you wonder why the toughest questions in the world come from them.

Would you lie or would you tell the truth? How would you explain the existence of God or reveal intimate details about two adults living as one as a married couple? How you wish you can Google or Wikipedia the answers to them on the spot. Continue reading “Mom, Dad, Are We Rich?”