Who’s It Gonna Be? – The 1st Angat Pilipinas Personal Finance Awards

For the very first time in Philippine personal finance industry history, our group Angat Pilipinas Coalition for Financial Literacy will be recognizing the efforts of individuals and organizations that financial literacy in the country.

The Angat Pilipinas Awards (APA) Night is a celebration of people and for people in the Philippine personal finance, investment, and entrepreneurship arenas. This is where we can focus our spotlight on financial institutions, banks, government units, NGO’s, personal finance bloggers, mentors, coaches, advisors, social media groups, authors, teachers, print and broadcast media – so often the unsung heroes of microeconomic progress and financial literacy movement in the Philippines.

The Angat Pilipinas Awards (APA) is the first and only personal finance awarding event in the Philippines that is set to launch in April of 2015. Continue reading Who’s It Gonna Be? – The 1st Angat Pilipinas Personal Finance Awards

Is It Sin To Die Poor?

My parents both came from poor families. Okay, both my parents are related to their respective middle class clans. But because they grew up during the post-WW2 years, were almost everyone struggled financially, recovering from poverty was hard for them to accomplish.

To answer the question whether it is sin be born poor, my answer is an obvious No. But if one chooses to stay poor, then that is equates to being irresponsible steward of God’s blessings in life. And therefore it is sin to remain and die poor.

But is it solely the “sinner’s” fault to not know how to overcome poverty during his or her lifetime? What if the society he lives in does not provide opportunities for him to learn how to gain wealth and stop being poor? Continue reading Is It Sin To Die Poor?

Join The Truly Rich Club Christmas Ball 2014!

This has been long overdue. The first TRC Christmas Party should have happened back in 2012 but really, there’s a time for everything. Even for partying. 😉

And so we’re having it this year! Although this is a strictly-for-TRC-members-only event, I will be giving away two slots to attend this event under my name. Email me at burngutierrezblog@gmail.com if you want to attend.

Are you ready to party, TRC? Here’s Bro. Bo’s invitation to you! 🙂  Continue reading Join The Truly Rich Club Christmas Ball 2014!