What Are Some Low-Risk Investments Available in the Philippines?

Some of our forum members have been asking whether there are other alternative financial instruments for them to preserve some more of their savings and capital either for a future business or to address particular medium-term goals.

Remember that in any type of investment, there are advantages and disadvantages. Make sure that you have identified the risks and are willing to take such risks.

So what are some examples of low-risk and affordable investment options that risk-averse Filipino investors may put some of their cash in? Read on. Continue reading What Are Some Low-Risk Investments Available in the Philippines?

On The Way to Blogging Success with Blog Academy Philippines

A month ago, Fitz and I run a webinar about how to earn through blogging. Fitz illustrated some tips and basic essentials on how bloggers make money online and how they get paid.

While that webinar is basically just a crash course, there is another on-going online project that will focus on helping Filipinos, especially OFW’s, learn how to build a personal brand that will create multiple income streams for them as an authority blogger and make blogging as a potential money-making machine.

Earlier this week, Fitz introduced me to another authority blogger, Jon Oraña, and invited me to become one of their partners in promoting this new project called Blog Academy Philippines. Continue reading On The Way to Blogging Success with Blog Academy Philippines