5 Saving Tips on Cooking using LPG

Christmas season is one of the most expensive holidays in the world. Food and cooking rank on top of the most significant expenses for Christmas celebrations.

While using electric stoves may be safer than gas ranges, there are certain countries that have relatively high electricity prices that people choose to use the latter. However, prices of LPG are likewise going up and homemakers have to find solutions to prolong the use of their LPG’s. Continue reading 5 Saving Tips on Cooking using LPG

How To Set Up Your EIP Account with COL Financial

About two weeks ago, I posted a topic how to invest in Philippine stocks via the broker COL Financial.

While that post was mainly intended for overseas Filipino workers or OFW’s who do not have the luxury to go back to the Philippines to open their first stock market portfolio, anyone interested to start investing via COL Financial may refer to the procedures and requirements I wrote there.

I know it’s a bit overdue and I have not posted yet the procedures on how to set up your EIP stocks via the COL Financial platform should you opt to open an account with them. Continue reading How To Set Up Your EIP Account with COL Financial

What “Simbang Gabi” Should Mean Today

The Simbang Gabi (translated as Night Mass) is a devotional nine-day series of Masses practiced mainly by the Roman Catholics, perhaps a few Eastern Catholics, and the Aglipayans in the Philippines in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary in anticipation of Christmas.

There are also a handful of Evangelical Christian and Protestant churches (Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, etc.) that have adopted this beautiful tradition of early morning worship in preparation for the coming celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ the Messiah.

It is held from December 16 to December 24 and is usually done as early as 4 or 5 in the morning. Although a lot of churches have already adopted the anticipated night worship services/Mass for those who can not attend the early morning Mass. The last day of the Simbang Gabi which falls on Christmas Eve is called Misa de Gallo, which literally means the “Rooster’s Mass”, in remembrance of the Filipino farmers during Spanish colonial period who had to attend Mass at 4 AM so they can set to work on their fields by 6 AM. Continue reading What “Simbang Gabi” Should Mean Today