Here’s Why You Should Really Get An Insurance NOW

One of the most compelling stories about life insurance that I’ve heard when I first joined Sun Life in 2017 was that of one of our branch Manager’s first clients way back in 1993.  His first client was in his early 20’s, single, and was his family’s bread winner.  He got life insurance with a coverage of Php 1,000,000 with an annual payment of about Php 10,000 or so, payable every quarter – or about Php 2,500 per quarter. 

After getting insured and paying for the first 2 quarters, he went on an out-of-town beach outing with his friends.  Unfortunately, he accidentally drowned.  That left his family without a breadwinner: his parents don’t have jobs or a business, his younger sister is still finishing accounting studies in college, and they were just renting the house where they were living in at that time. Continue reading Here’s Why You Should Really Get An Insurance NOW

Note To OFW Families: Your Saving Habits Mean A Lot To Your Loved Ones Abroad

Did you know that managing your budget wisely is one of the smartest and most thoughtful ways to show love and appreciation for a family member who works overseas?

Daily work routine can be draining for an overseas Filipino but seeing the family enjoy every possible comfort is sometimes enough source of relief amidst all the exhaustion. When overseas Filipinos see that their families spend a bit too much, they tend to feel the lack of appreciation for all their hard work.

When you save portions of the received money and spend it thoughtfully, you prove to be  trustworthy and reliable. Your money saving habits are a sign  that your loved one’s hard work is valued and you’re not leaving them alone in sacrificing to provide for a better life for your family.

If you want to start showing more love for the family member who works abroad, here are a few things that you can consider: Continue reading Note To OFW Families: Your Saving Habits Mean A Lot To Your Loved Ones Abroad

Sales Secrets of the Original Shark

One of the most iconic sales platforms in our culture is the infomercial.

Laugh all you want, but almost everyone has seen one and almost everyone has been tempted – at one point or another – to order that set of knives, that new exercise machine or some gadget to make everyday life easier.

“But wait there’s more…” has become part of the fabric of our culture.

Why? Continue reading Sales Secrets of the Original Shark