“Pare, Can I Borrow Money? I Need It for My Son’s Birthday”

I have an acquaintance who has been an active investor in online multi-level marketing and other paid-to-click schemes. Indeed he was making a lot of money from his ventures.

But there is one problem. Whenever he earns thousands, he spends them all on things that are on his wishlists. Monthly wishlists. Continue reading “Pare, Can I Borrow Money? I Need It for My Son’s Birthday”

“Mom, Dad, Are We Rich?”

“Dad, how does God look like?”

“Mom, if babies are made in heaven, how did i get into your belly?”

You probably have been caught in this awkward and weird situation with your child, or your niece or nephew. Sometimes you wonder why the toughest questions in the world come from them.

Would you lie or would you tell the truth? How would you explain the existence of God or reveal intimate details about two adults living as one as a married couple? How you wish you can Google or Wikipedia the answers to them on the spot. Continue reading “Mom, Dad, Are We Rich?”