The Global Financial Crisis Explained

I’ve been experiencing a writer’s block since my birthday last June 9. A writing crisis perhaps. I drafted a few articles intended for the Philippine Independence Day, Father’s Day, and my Father’s death anniversary but never got the chance to finish all of them.

Nevertheless, time has been so precious these days as I’ve been enjoying a lot of quality hours with my family. I also get to answer tons of emails and inquiries in our forum and social sites about how to improve their finances and how to start investing in various financial instruments. There’s actually no crisis in sharing and promoting financial literacy to others.

But one part of teaching about investing is to let them know that risks exist and that we can not eliminate them. We can only reduce them. So it is very important to understand how the whole economic system works and what the risks are before we decide to enter the world of investments. Continue reading The Global Financial Crisis Explained

What Would You Do If You Won The Lotto?

Windfall is defined by Merriam-Webster as “an unexpected, unearned, or sudden gain or advantage.”

A windfall is when you receive a surprise bonus or an unexpected raise in salary from your boss. Or when you get a tax refund. Or when you won a cash prize in your company’s Christmas party raffle draw.

My more meaningful term for windfall? Blessings. Continue reading What Would You Do If You Won The Lotto?

OFW’s, Control Your S(p)ending

It’s not only about the bad spending habits of OFW’s. It’s also about their bad over-“sending” habits.

It’s old story. Actually. A cliche. A history repeating itself. Generation of OFW’s after generation of new OFW’s. A lesson not learned.

Filipinos overseas, no matter how the earning years pass by, still hold on to the undying padala and pa-“package” mentality.

Balikbayan freight service centers and remittance desks are filled up with boxes and lined up with homesick people making themselves feel more homesick by sending more “extra” money and stuff to their families back home.

Coz doing this makes them happy. At least for now.

Nothing’s changed.

Not all of them, maybe.

(For just 10 pesos a day, you and your family’s life and health are protected. Click here to get more details!)

(Save and grow your money while you are still an OFW!!! CLICK here!)

Continue reading OFW’s, Control Your S(p)ending