Are Bad Spending Habits Hereditary?

“Is bad spending habit hereditary?”

I received this question from one of our followers so I did a self-assessment of my previous and current spending habits.

I knew my parents were very frugal as far as I could remember but I still asked myself, “did I inherit any bad spending habit from my parents?” Continue reading Are Bad Spending Habits Hereditary?

Should You Buy A Car Now That You’re A Regular Employee?

Why not? It’s your dream. Besides, you now got a regular job. (Yeah!)

A car, whether it’s brand new or second-hand/previously-owned, is an “asset” that will build your reputation as a “someone who has” in your neighborhood.

The sweaty days of riding the jeepney or getting extracted like lemon inside the MRT from Cubao to Ayala will soon be over!

Thank God! Hallelujah! A new car! How about that! Continue reading Should You Buy A Car Now That You’re A Regular Employee?

Are You Suffering From Comparisonitis?

Are you keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians?

Do you feel small just because you can’t buy the things that you “need” but your neighbors can buy anything they “want”?

Comparing our limited financial capacity with others is oftentimes the main reason why we make bad spending decisions.

It makes our flesh weak and the pocket even weaker. Continue reading Are You Suffering From Comparisonitis?