You Can’t Complain “I Don’t Have Money”

Too many times we hear our co-workers say, “wala na ‘kong pera eh” (I don’t have cash on hand anymore.). Ironically, you hear that line usually within five days after the last payday.

If you are one of them, it’s understandable if you are sending a kid or two to school. Or when a relative is sick back home and you need to regularly send a fixed amount on a monthly basis. That applies especially if you are working overseas or outside Metro Manila.

But if you are saying that line and you don’t have savings or investment, and you are holding on to a brand new iPhone or Galaxy tab, then you do not have the right to complain.

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Accountants and Auditors Are Two Different Dinosaur Species

Let’s settle this thing once and for all.

A lot of accountants think that auditors must do their auditing jobs efficiently. They believe that auditors must do their research assignments first before asking too many non-sense questions in an interview that lasts at least two favorite primetime shows or Koreanovelas.

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Your “Laziness” Can Make You Rich…(Wehhh???)

There is one popular investment guru and columnist who’s a known hardcore active stock market trader and totally hates the cost-averaging method of investing. One guy posted a comment on the guru’s Twitter account saying that “Cost Averaging” is an effective strategy than having no strategy at all. The popular guru replied, “Doing bad is better than doing nothing at all?”

That’s how he hates “laziness”. That’s how he hates passive investing using the cost averaging method.

Continue reading Your “Laziness” Can Make You Rich…(Wehhh???)