Here’s Why You Should Invest in Retail Bonds

First, let us determine what bonds really are.

Bonds are a kind of “utang” (loan) by an investor from another individual or entity. It is classified as “fixed” because there is a specified interest rate and a specified maturity date or settlement period.

For example, I will borrow from you a principal amount of Php100 and i promise to pay you after 1 year with a fixed interest of 5%. Which means I will be returning to you an amount of Php105 at the promised (maturity) date after 1 year. Continue reading Here’s Why You Should Invest in Retail Bonds

Know The Secrets in Making More Money Online! Join the WebCamp – Internet Business Super Conference 2012

You can start to earn or grow your business online by learning how to do it in most effective ways.

My online friend Heinz Bulos and his group Learning Curve will be holding an internet business super conference called WebCamp 2012 on November 28, 2012.

Times are a-changing, as Bob Dylan would sing. Soon, the days of harsh commuting around the Metro will be gone for those who seek to finally just work at home in front of their computer screens. A lot of people are starting to make a lot of “active” money on the Internet. From a decade back, individual netrepreneurs on eBay, Sulit, and Multiply have earned more by selling toys, accessories, or clothes. More bloggers are quitting their day jobs to start earning more online. Continue reading Know The Secrets in Making More Money Online! Join the WebCamp – Internet Business Super Conference 2012

You Can’t Complain “I Don’t Have Money”

Too many times we hear our co-workers say, “wala na ‘kong pera eh” (I don’t have cash on hand anymore.). Ironically, you hear that line usually within five days after the last payday.

If you are one of them, it’s understandable if you are sending a kid or two to school. Or when a relative is sick back home and you need to regularly send a fixed amount on a monthly basis. That applies especially if you are working overseas or outside Metro Manila.

But if you are saying that line and you don’t have savings or investment, and you are holding on to a brand new iPhone or Galaxy tab, then you do not have the right to complain.

Continue reading You Can’t Complain “I Don’t Have Money”