How Much Do You Need To Start Your Dream Business?

Launching your first business can be difficult to deal with not even to mention the money issues that needs to be considered. Having a business means you have to commit your own time and money that is why you have to ensure that you are ready to succeed from the very first time.

However, planning the finances is most of the time being ignored and overlooked. Many startups even put it behind other factors such their products or services, pricing, and branding.

When starting a business, it’s important that you take time to estimate costs and not be surprised along the way so that this can give you the channel to achieve a long-term profitability.

On March 13, 2016, our friend and serial entrepreneur Fitz Villafuerte will show you how to determine the right amount of money that you need to start your business.


Do you want to start your business the right way? Sign up now to the second run of Enter Entrepreneurship online seminar series!

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How To Keep Your Debts Low

Are you worried about your current debt, or unsure whether you can make your payments on time? Don’t panic! Just like any other money problem there is, find out how you can make the situation less heavy on  your wallet by first looking for the root cause of where all your money is being shelled out on. We’ve rounded up the top helpful tips to help you get back on track and keep your money health in good shape. Continue reading How To Keep Your Debts Low

How Successful People Teach Their Kids About Money

How do you teach kids about money? There are lots of tips and tricks you can use to help kids understand that. Learning to handle money is a really important skill and I believe it’s never too early to start teaching them about value of money.

We all know how important financial skills are, so it’s a bit surprising that our children don’t learn anything about it in schools. As a parent, however, you have an obligation to teach your child important financial lessons. To help you a bit, we will share some money lessons from successful people in this simple infographic. It’s interesting to hear what some of the world’s richest people have to say about the one thing they don’t really have to worry about and how do they teach their kids about money.

The earlier you start teaching your children to save money, the better off they’ll be in the future.

Parental Journey


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