Retiring Without Money Seems Fun in the Philippines

It is not uncommon to meet people in the Philippines who shell out more money on unnecessary expenses and things that they don’t own before as they earn more money and become more successful. The same pattern goes to most of our dear OFW’s and their dependents back home.

When the salary increases, the spending increases as well.

I think most Filipinos find this culture fun and fulfilling. Leaving them without anything to save for their emergency fund and retirement. Continue reading Retiring Without Money Seems Fun in the Philippines

Be An Investor Or Be A Loser

2012 is gone and done. Some of you may have earned a million and many a thousand bucks from your salary and bonuses from the past year. It’s something that you should truly be proud of.

Your hardwork paid off. Hats off to you!

But I have one question: Where is your million (thousand) bucks now?

It’s January 12, 2o13 and I hope you already made up your mind (and wallet) on where to put that hard-earned ‘2012’ cash of yours.  Continue reading Be An Investor Or Be A Loser

Buying/Selling A House Anytime Soon? Read This First

If you are going to buy a house or a property, how would you know if a seller is being sincere and honest to you? Does he or she listens to what you really need?

And if you are a seller, are you concerned only about selling your property or meeting your sales quota regardless of the true condition of the property?

Here’s a guest post by a friend and sister in the couples ministry, Maves Salva-Angeles, and her story on how she sold her first property based on trust. People who are planning to buy a house soon will surely learn a lot as well from this experience. Continue reading Buying/Selling A House Anytime Soon? Read This First