How To Change Your Money Habits

If you buy a treadmill and just decide to make at least 15 minutes of running everyday, do you know that your decision to doing this for the whole year is just going to happen for a few days only? Do you know that when you just “decide” to reduce your spending or to save money, that mere decision will likely not going to happen?

I remember hearing from one of my respected mentors that almost everything that we do everyday aren’t really decisions but rather habits that we ourselves have brought into being along the way. And that includes our “automatic” money habits which are actually one of the main reasons why many people’s pockets get seriously damaged.

One example of this is when you drop by a fastfood restaurant on your way home and order anything that you don’t even like just because you want to bring something to your family members. And even if your loved ones don’t eat them anymore (nagsawa na), you still bring the same value meals and leave them to rot on your dining table. Continue reading How To Change Your Money Habits

iACADEMY’s iSCE eyes new heights for ASEAN Integration, welcomes new Executive Director

iACADEMY School of Continuing Education (iSCE) is pleased to welcome its new Executive Director, Mr. Jordan Imutan, who took the lead last July 2014. A seasoned professional whose career spans over two decades of industry innovation and excellence in the IT field, Mr. Imutan now tries to share his learnings and experiences through iSCE in the service of education.

As iSCE’s new leader, Mr. Imutan envisions different strategies of maintaining, improving and ensuring that iSCE continues its excellence through his direction. He sees how our fellow Filipinos can be up-skilled for the coming ASEAN Integration. The Integration is expected to open up and boost investments, create jobs and incomes in the whole region. All member states would then be open to zero import duties for ASEAN products and services by 2015, while all nationals within the state would then be allowed to freely work anywhere in the region without exclusions. Continue reading iACADEMY’s iSCE eyes new heights for ASEAN Integration, welcomes new Executive Director

What Happens To Your Digital Assets When You Die?

This may sound new but the truth is the digital world is ridiculously part of everyday lives of many Filipinos. And because it is part of almost every Filipino’s lives, digital assets are accumulated by them over time.

In our growing advocacy for financial literacy, not only do we teach how to build up wealth and valuable physical properties and how to take good care of them. We also would like to teach about taking care of one’s assets that are built up online.

If you are a blogger or an online seller, most probably you have accounts in online “money banks” and payment systems such as PayPal, Google Wallet, Stripe, Adyen, etc.  You consider your money in these accounts as your digital asset.  Continue reading What Happens To Your Digital Assets When You Die?