We’re Going Back To Bahrain!

After conducting a very successful seminar in Bahrain last June 20, 2014, our dear OFW’s based in that tiny Arabian Gulf island will experience another informative session on July 25, 2014.

But before we get into details on what to expect for the next seminar, let us take you back to some of the powerful images from the last event that we had in Bahrain. Continue reading We’re Going Back To Bahrain!

Lost At How To Begin Your Investment in the Stock Market?

I know a lot of TrulyRichClub members do not visit their exclusive social site or seldom read the emails being sent by Bro. Bo Sanchez and his team. Most of you have already subscribed but you still want to learn more after reading all our wealth strategies newsletters and our regular stock updates.

And as part of the TrulyRichClub support team, I’m inviting all members who are either followers of my blog or members of the OFW UsapangPiso/Angat Pilipinas Coalition Facebook groups to attend the Quickstart Implementation Seminar in Manila to help you get started with your stock investing journey. But don’t worry if you are from the Visayas or Mindanao or from the provinces in Luzon. The TRC support team and Bro. Bo have plans to visit you and conduct Quickstarts in your place soon!

Here’s the message from Bro. Bo Sanchez as emailed to members and announced in his blog: Continue reading Lost At How To Begin Your Investment in the Stock Market?

Can An OFW Open A Mutual Fund Account While Abroad?

In the past few weeks that we’ve been giving seminars to OFW’s on how to start investing in various financial instruments, a considerable number of them have signified their interest in two most popular types of pooled funds: mutual funds or UITF’s.

One expected question and concern among them was can they really open a mutual fund account in the Philippines while they are working abroad?

Recently, we answered a question as to whether OFW’s with BDO savings accounts can invest in their UITF products. This time we will be giving our OFW’s one answer with complete procedures on how they can invest in this Philippine mutual fund even if they are currently based overseas. Continue reading Can An OFW Open A Mutual Fund Account While Abroad?