#5By20: How The Program is Empowering Women Sari-Sari Store Entrepreneurs

From fruit farmers to artisans to vendors, women around the world are already pillars of Coca-Cola’s business.

That’s why the people at the Coca-Cola Company are building on that foundation by implementing programs to help women entrepreneurs.

Through #5by20, Coca-Cola is addressing the most common barriers to success women face. They do this by giving them access to business skills training courses, financial services and connections with peers or mentors.

And their goal is the empowerment of 5 million women micro-entrepreneurs by the year 2020.

Listen to the inspiring stories of Ate Nora and Ate Nida by clicking the Coca-Cola 5by20 red banner below.

philippine map

Support this advocacy and awesome project by Coca-Cola! Click here.

Kung kaya ni Ate Nida at Ate Nora, kaya nyo rin!


Did you know that the Coca-Cola Company turns 123 this year, having been launched in 1892?

To mark the occasion Westways Vendings has created this infographic which explores 123 fascinating facts about the world’s favourite beverage!


*This is a sponsored post.



For Love or Money – A Documentary from Tondo Slums

Back in the late 80’s, we left Caloocan City and looked for other places to live in. That’s when we experienced living near the slums of Tondo.

Life was hard for us but life was harder for the people living around us. They had no food. No money to buy medicine. No new clothes to wear. No jobs. Many are hopeless.

Decades later, Tondo seems to have never changed. Some of them are sincerely industrious but one thing has not progressed. They still bear the poverty mindset.

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Screengrab from Al Jazeera’s “The Slum” documentary

Are we to blame the government only? The media? Or the Church? Aren’t we all responsible for these?

Watch this video and reflect.

Will you still be part of this problem? Or will you be a solution?

Be an Angat Pilipinas volunteer. Join us in our mission for the poor by subscribing to RockToRiches|burngutierrez.com.

Rock your way to abundance!


If you want me to coach you in improving your finances, type your name and email below and click the Subscribe button:


How Can OFW’s Avoid These 3G’s

After years of working abroad, many of our OFWs go home without savings. Those who relied on their paychecks alone usually end up wondering where their salaries went.

Many of the reasons include having luxurious lifestyle, cravings for gadgets, and too much attachment to friends abroad. But some of the most avoided reasons to talk about are infidelity, failed business ventures, and being scammed by strangers or worse, by those they considered as friends.

As we always advise to Filipinos working abroad, the ways to secure one’s future is by planning for it financially and ahead of time, saving and investing regularly, and having a disciplined spending habit.

In order to do that, these three following addictive habits should be avoided.


How To Avoid These 3G’s (Gadgets, Good Time, and Girls/Guys) While Abroad

1) Avoiding New Gadgets

Having one smartphone at a time is enough. Craving for it every time a new version comes out is not. If the gadget you are dying to grab is not essential to improve your finances, better let it go.

It’s not that it’s bad to have new gadgets. But make sure that you will use it not only to make you feel happy, but to further help you out in your business, investments, or in improving your craft and core skills.

Also, instead of craving for expensive gadgets that lose value in a very short time, it’s recommended that you save up or invest for it. It’s the better move rather than take the money from your salary while you are fully aware that you still have debts and responsibilities to address first.

THINK about the opportunity of your money to grow if you invest it instead of spending it on the latest gadgets just to impress others.

2) Avoiding Good Time

Many OFWs vent their boredom and homesickness by joining other Filipino friends in having parties and worst, sharing with their vices.

There have been a lot of stories of OFWs not being able to save because of their weekly partying and gatherings. The more scarier stories are those who were incarcerated because of forbidden alcoholic drinks or illegal gambling.

It’s good to acquaint and be involved in community activities overseas with different organizations. But if you are shelling out money every time you attend these gatherings instead of addressing your financial woes, then it’s best that you consider looking for a lesser expensive weekly group activities.

Or better yet, LOOK for ways to earn more through the internet.

3) Avoiding Girls

Our single guys would definitely call me “KJ” for including this in the list. But think about this. If you spend an equivalent to at least P1,000 every payday just to satisfy the worldly desires of your mortal flesh, you will be wasting at least P24,000 in two years. That would be enough to pay for your child’s school needs if you are married! Or just enough to start building your emergency fund.

You could have just invested your P1,000 every month in an instrument and make your money grow over time. Why not TALK to your loved ones back home via the internet or through phone calls every time you feel the urge and the temptation to touch someone else’ spouse or partner?

PRAY that you will be able to overcome the physical and emotional distance. And give that HOPE to your loved ones that you will be with them again very soon.      

Follow my posts on managing your finances while working abroad by subscribing to RockToRiches|BurnGutierrez.Com.

Rock your way to abundance!


If you want me to coach you in improving your finances, type your name and email below and click the Subscribe button: