5 Qualities You Should Look For In A Good Stock Investment

One of the most respected investing icons in this generation is Warren Buffet. You may have heard from experienced traders and investors that Warren isn’t actually investing in stocks. But that he is actually buying companies.

In a way, if you buy shares of a good company, you are indeed buying a portion of it. You become a part owner.

Mind you, Warren Buffet is not the type of investor who buys stocks on a whim. He looks at certain factors when picking stocks for long term investment. Continue reading 5 Qualities You Should Look For In A Good Stock Investment

Why You Don’t Need Awards Or A College Degree To Be Successful In Life

A couple of days ago, I wrote a Facebook status about how many Pinoy parents put a lot of pressure on their kids to pursue awards, honor medals, and a diploma. As of this writing, the post has received over 7,000 Likes and has been shared by more than 3,000 readers. That’s just in less than 2 days. (40,000+ likes and 22,100+ shares as of Black Saturday 2018 | Update: 91,000+ likes, 52,000+ shares, and 6,300+ comments as of April 6, 2019) 

It’s a very long article but many say that they have read every word that was written. Probably because it was something that they can relate to.

College Diploma With Cap And Tassel

It’s about a culture of being entitled and not being left behind by peers and the community. A culture that has caused many Filipino families a lot of unpaid debts, selling of most precious treasures and assets, and anxieties both among parents and children. Continue reading Why You Don’t Need Awards Or A College Degree To Be Successful In Life

Pera’t Sining: Of Artistic Passions And Personal Finances

Two things in this world hardly ever get discussed on the same conversation:  artistic passions and personal finances.  Why?  Both lie on the extreme sides of the mind: the creative and logical.  But truth is, they’re not as unrelated as most people think.

Most of the things in life won’t be possible without money.  We can’t eat without money – unless we scavenge trash bins of restaurants and make “pagpag”.  We can’t spend quality time with our loved ones without money – unless we just stay home, watch TV, or play board games (all of which still need money by the way).

And we can’t indulge in our artistic passions without moolah – unless our idea of art is drawing stuff on other people’s walls. Continue reading Pera’t Sining: Of Artistic Passions And Personal Finances