Minimalism: Getting Started on Decluttering Your Life

Wear your favorite clothes every day. Love every space in your home. Use the best tools for your work and your hobbies. Best of all, have more time to do the things you want to do!

These are some of the things that got me hooked into minimalism. And, that last line in the first paragraph? We’ve encountered it before in other features articles. It has got to be the most overused phrase to convince people to try something new. Cliché as it may sound, it’s something I sincerely hope for anyone who gets into minimalism along with all the good things that come with this practice.

Everything good has at least one challenge that needs to be endured before you achieve it. In practicing minimalism, these challenges are found in the never-ending cycle of things coming and going into our lives. This article presents three ways we can manage this cycle and to get started on minimalism. Continue reading Minimalism: Getting Started on Decluttering Your Life

How Young Workers Can Live Well On a Low Income

The Philippines’ workforce is currently dominated by young workers as data indicates that almost half of the labor force population in 2015 were Filipino Millennials.

And because it has been said that this generation is driven by instant gratification, it’s not unusual to see young workers in urban areas sporting the latest gadgets, going on vacations to take Instagram-worthy photos, and crowding coffee shops and the hippest restaurants on the weekends—even if they end up in debt as their spending habits are not in sync with their current salary.

While having it all on the surface may seem like the way to live, it’s not the definition of living well. But by making good financial choices, prioritizing, and knowing how the system works, it’s possible to truly live a good and healthy lifestyle, even on a low income.
Continue reading How Young Workers Can Live Well On a Low Income

6 Real Estate Investment Opportunities Most Filipinos Miss Out On

Real estate is one of the safest and most profitable investments one can ever make through careful management and smart strategies. Here and abroad, the Philippines is considered a prime location for real estate investment, thanks to the property market boom in the past few years. Yet, most Filipinos are too risk-averse to take advantage of the high-yield property investment opportunities available to them.

On the other hand, savvy investors diversify their portfolio, including real estate, to maximize their long-term earning potential. If that is your goal, then you need to tap into these six real estate opportunities in the Philippines that most Filipinos miss out on. Continue reading 6 Real Estate Investment Opportunities Most Filipinos Miss Out On