Happy Easter, Filipinos! God has blessed our Easter with enormous hope and confidence that the country will continue to arise from its long economic slumber.
The 2013 Euromoney Philippines Investment Forum held at the Peninsula Manila last March 12, 2013 was a major success. Testimonies are the snapshots taken by my friend and OFW UsapangPiso Forum advisor Carissa Patag of Abacus Securities Corporation as one of the 600 delegates to this year’s forum and the recent investment-grade rating driven by optimism that international investors have for the Philippines.
The Euromoney 2013 Forum Snaps
President Benigno S. Aquino III opened the forum in the morning together with other business luminaries in the Philippines.

What Makes the Philippines Strong and Rejuvenated?

Discussing the Potentials of the Retail Industry

The Waiting Game
Will we be serious in deepening our reforms? Will we be able to sustain this impressive growth curve amidst our strong Peso and the global economic incertitude? Will we continue to rise from the ashes?
We shall seek the answers in the next Philippine Investment Forum happening in 2014.
Be updated with the nation’s quest for financial supremacy by subscribing to BurnGutierrez.Com for FREE.
P.S. 1.The OFW UsapangPiso Forum in partnership with Colayco Foundation for Education will be conducting its twin webinar offer on April 5 and 19, 2013. The Managing Director of Colayco Foundation, Ms. Guita Gopalan will discuss about the “Basics of Growing Money” on our FREE webinar on April 5, 2013, 6PM (Philippine time). Mr. Armand Bengco will talk about proper money management – spending, saving, planning & investing entitled “Pisobilities: Wealth Within Your Reach” on April 19, 2013 also at 6PM (Philippine time). Register here now!
P.S. 2. For those who will not make it to the Money By The Book event of OFW UsapangPiso group, you may book to attend the Personal Finance for Every Juan seminar sponsored by The Global Filipino Investors Singapore. You may visit their Facebook event page for more details.
P.S. 3. Four years ago, I joined the TrulyRichClub. It was one of the best decisions of my life. Founded by Bo Sanchez, its purpose is to “help good people become rich”. Because of the guidance I get from the Club, I’m now investing in the Stock Market (and mutual funds, bonds, UITF’s) each month! It’s amazing how I’m personally growing in my finances. I’m inviting you to join the Club too. If you’re interested, then join the TrulyRichClub NOW! And email me at burngutierrezblog@yahoo.com.ph if you have any questions.
P.S. 4. If you are in Dubai, grab a copy of FREE Kabayan Weekly publication, the UAE’s first Filipino weekly publication and get to read my article there about the financial coaching sessions we held earlier this month with Randell Tiongson.