While we were on a few days of summer getaway in Bohol back in April 2015, I received a call from ANC OnTheMoney. It was about the new schedule for my guesting on the TV show. As you know, I have been postponing the guestings that they have been asking me for the last two years for a few good reasons.
First, I’m out of the country most of the time. Secondly, vacations are sweet and short for an OFW like me. My fellow OFW’s know that spending time with loved ones during their vacation is the ultimate happiness and the most priceless period on the whole year. And visiting loved ones and family members was what I usually did in the past two annual vacations.
This time around, my friend Heinz Bulos of Moneysense/Learning Curve, who partners with ANC OnTheMoney in providing guests for their show, emailed me about accepting the invitation to guest. So yes, I said yes. Thank you Heinz!
Continue reading Money Mistakes That OFW’s Make (My ANC OnTheMoney Guesting)