In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of earning money from the comfort of your own home has gained significant popularity. With the rise of technology and the internet, individuals now have the opportunity to explore various avenues for remote income generation. Continue reading Creating Wealth from the Comfort of Your Home: Unleashing the Power of Remote Income Generation
Category: Motivation
PRUsapang OFW with Burn & POKWANG
After the success of the first two webisodes of our PRUsapang OFW with Burn Gutierrez series, we are leveling up for the 3rd episode. PRULIFE UK has invited the popular actress and comedienne POKWANG as our next guest.
More than that, the webinar will be held LIVE at the PRULIFE UK Business Center in Bonifacio Global City (BGC) in-person, making it like a real TV talk show. I will be interviewing Pokwang about her experience as an OFW, her struggles in life, and her success in the local showbusiness. She will also share tips on how to get yourself and your family protected by insurance while you are still working overseas.
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So join me again on PRUsapang OFW webinar/talk show on October 3, (Tuesday), 6:00 p.m. (Manila) or 2:00 p.m. (Dubai). and learn more from our celebrity guest, Pokwang.
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