Can You Really Make a Full-Time Living Online?

Still stuck working in a job you’re not really inspired by? Still wanting to find a way to do your own thing and get paid well enough to quit and be free?

You’re not alone. There are millions out there wanting a better life and feeling super jealous as they watch more and more people having success with self-publishing, blogging, internet business, and other inspiring and liberating ways to earn a living.

In the latter part of 2015, I never thought I will make the best decision ever in my life: work full time at home.

After 5 years of working overseas and earning that good fixed monthly income, I decided that this should not be happening in another 5 years. I have to make the decision to come back home and be with my family and loved ones. But that would not have been easier if I did not find ways to earn online while preparing for our homecoming.

And here I am now, working at home and getting invitations to give talks, coach people, and teach other people to become entrepreneurs and investors.

But how do you make it happen? It can all seem so nebulous and impossible.

Now, to give you fair warning, this guy Buck Flogging has a crude sense of humor and is a riot to put it lightly, but his program to “quit your job in 6 months” is the best of its kind. If you’re looking for a way to earn a full-time living online, and you don’t feel like putting in 5 years of hard work to MAYBE make it, this is something you need to check out.

To find out more, just watch this short video…


Learn more on how to become an online entrepreneur! Subscribe to Rock To Riches for FREE!




Rock your way to abundance!


P.S. 1. Are you an OFW who’s been looking for a investment placement where your money could grow higher than your time deposit accounts? Are you outside of Metro Manila and would like to start investing in mutual funds but have no personal advisors to help you out? Click here so I can help you open a mutual fund account NOW! .

P.S. 2. Bro. Bo Sanchez has appointed me as a coach for our young and new investors at the TrulyRichClub social site. It’s a fun, learning family with the purpose of “helping good people become rich”. I’m inviting you to join the TrulyRichClub too and email me at if you have any questions. Click here to join!

P.S. 3. My co-author/illustrator Des Feliciano and I have just launched our “The Adventures of Pepot Kuripot and Dora Gastadora” comic book! It’s arguably the first and only personal finance-influenced comic book in the Philippines. You may grab your copy at your favorite National Bookstore and Powerbooks outlets. Or you can grab your copy yourself at ilovemilktea in Las Pinas City. Now available also in Australia, Saudi Arabia, and the USA! Email for more details.

P.S. 4. Yes, our Cyberpreneur Philippines book is now out in bookstores! Check out the chapters from my fellow authors Ray Calbay, Fitz Villafuerte, Ginger Arboleda, Kristel Silang, Marv de Leon, Paolo Lising, Anne Quintos, and other great online entrepreneurs and experts! Score your copy here now!

P.S. 5. Send healthcare and grocery products online to your loved ones in the Philippines via BeamandGo!

How To Discipline Yourself To Live Within Your Means

Have you asked yourself, “Kailan kaya ako yayaman?” even if you are earning bigger than your other friends and relatives?

The truth is, you may never achieve the goal of being rich if you are currently living beyond your means. Did you know that the reason you are not achieving it is not because you have small salary but rather because of your overmuchness lifestyle choices?

If you believe you are guilty, then you should take these steps to turn things around.

1) Know your net worth.

To give you a clearer view on the status of your finances, it is recommended that you conduct a net worth analysis.

Analyzing your net worth is quite simple:

Add the following outright assets:
Savings + Retirement accounts + Stock investments + your real estate property + others

Add everything you owe (debts):
car loan payments + credit card bills + personal loans + other payables

Then subtract your debts from your assets in order to arrive at your net worth.

If the result is a negative number, then you are living beyond your means. This means that even if you have a job today and you are earning a salary, you still essentially own nothing.

In order for your numbers to become positive, start living within your means.


2) Practice cash-only living.

Many people, Filipinos included, do not really understand what living within or below means for obvious reason: they live on loans and credit cards.

The best thing to mitigate this problem is to instill a habitual behavior of living on cash alone. Just try 21 days of spending with your cash alone and not with your credit cards.

This will challenge your spending behaviour but you will be surprised on what you can do if you are able to make it on the 22nd day just using your cash on hand for your daily expenses.

Do not forget to record your debts as mentioned in our recommendation No. 1. The limitations of living on cash only may frustrate you, this will be a learning experience for you as you will be forced to be more careful and thoughtful in identifying where you are spending your money.

3) Clear out the clutter.

If you are a willing victim of the culture of rushing to malls whenever there are “sale offers”, you must be collecting items you don’t really need inside your closet or drawers.

If your closet contains items you haven’t worn in over a year, old technology, books, or sporting goods, you’ve already got more than you need.

The greatest 3-day sale madness in town is not really helping you saving money when you are actually using your credit card or money you borrowed from your officemate.

Maybe it’s time for you to clear out the clutter and consider selling your items on eBay, Amazon, OLX, ukay-ukay shops, or even at your garage. Or better yet, why not donate them to people who may need them the most?

4. Reformulate your definition of success.

While you really do not show your bank savings or credit card bills to your social media “friends” or neighbors, the way you dress yourself, the car you drive, the restaurants you go to, or how frequent you travel to places other people have not been to in their lives may make people judge how well you are doing. Even if the truth is you don’ really have the means.

There is a big difference between being truly rich and just trying to look rich.

It’s not that complicated to follow these steps but you need to convince yourself that there’s no gain if there is no pain.

Be guided on how to prepare yourself to coming back home for good by subscribing to Rock To Riches for FREE.

Rock your way to abundance!




If you want me to coach you in improving your finances, type your name and email below and click the Subscribe button:


Enter Entrepreneurship Webinar Recordings Now Available!

You know the fundamentals. You have got your business plan and you are now ready to implement your business. You take off but every step of the way, you crave for additional knowledge — knowledge that will help keep you going and learnings that will help you improve your business.

We don’t want you to be lost and confused on what specific actions to take? We know that you want the specifics! Ginger Arboleda, the founder of and Burn Gutierrez, the Chairman of Angat Pilipinas Coalition have come up with a Webinar series called Enter Entrepreneurship. This series aims to focus on the technical skills and specific things that you have always wanted to know about in order to grow your business. We have come up with 10 sessions that will make you a stronger and better entrepreneur.

For those who never made it to the live sessions, we have recorded these 10 sessions (plus 1 free session) so you can listen to them over and over again whether you are at home, in your car, or even at the beach.

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Please check out the following Enter Entrepreneurship topics:

Click here>Blogging and Creative Writing

Always wanted to explore Blogging? Where do you start and how to create one? Learn from our resident expert and blogging coach herself, Martine De Luna.


Click here>Basics of Video Editing

Always wanted to learn how to edit your own videos? Learn from our resident expert, Jeo Paz.

Here is the outline:

1.) Introduction to Video Editing
2.) Different stages of Production
3.) An Introduction to shooting/video production
Frame Sizes
Frame Speed (fps)
Aspect Ratio
4.) Understanding how post-production editing programs work:
Difference of Offline Editing and Online Editing
Importance of Organizing your Files!
How to tell a story?
5.) Technical Specifications:
6.) What programs to use for basic editing?
7.) Importance of Video Editing
Promoting your brand
How it affects your customers


Click here>Basics of Photoshop 

Photoshop skills seem to be essential if you want to create catchy and effective graphics for your business. Let Amanda De Ocampo take you through the Basics of Photoshop.

Basic Photoshop
How to get started for beginners:
1. Editing Photos
a. Filtering
b. Gradients
c. Adding objects/type over numerous layers
d. Stamp tool

2. Layers
a. Layering a photograph
a. Adding objects/type over numerous layers
b. Masking

3. Removing an object from a photo
a. Make A Selection tool/ Magic Wand
– Similar
b. Quick Select to Expand the object
– Adding objects/type over numerous layers

4. Adding or using layers
a. Removing an object from a photo
b. Make A Selection tool/ Magic Wand
c. Using shapes
d. Typing

5. Cropping, Sizing and Saving images for Instagram and Pinterest
a. Instagram
b. Pinterest
Size, pixels, editing
Size, pixels, editing
Pinterest Moodboard


Click here>Setting Up an Online Store 

Nowadays, you don’t need a physical store to sell things! All you need is an #OnlineStore. Learn how to make your own online store with Serial Entrepreneur Fitz Villafuerte.


Click here>Basics of Shooting a Video 

Video is becoming the in thing! All you need to do is learn the basics of shooting a video. Learn from our resident expert, Dennis Abad.

Why Shoot Video
Impact of Video on Common Mediums
Basic Videography and Audio Techniques
Maximising videos for your Business


Click here>Understanding WordPress 

Are you going nuts trying to understand how WordPress works?  Mr. Jerome Esperanza​ enlightens us on how to use #wordpress.


Click here>Product Shots With A Purpose 

Envious of the great product shots you see on Instagram? Learn how to take great shots of your product with Sheila Catilo!

I. INTRODUCTION: Shooting with purpose
II. Getting to know your customer (who they are and what they’re looking for)
III. How photos can make or break your business
IV. 5 equipment you need to create a home studio
V. Steps (Planning, set-up, shoot proper, post-processing, publishing)
VI. Factors to consider when shooting products
VII. What to avoid when shooting your products
VIII. Effective rules of composition that sell
IX. Tips on taking product photos with your mobile phone


Click here>Digital Marketing 

Don’t have a clue on what Digital Marketing is all about? Why are people talking so much about is. Learn from our resident expert, Rosario Juan.


Click here>Content Planning

Words matter. Content matters especially in this digital world. Let’s all together learn from our resident expert, Rey Baguio.


Click here>Time Management & Productivity

A question that is always brought up by aspiring entrepreneurs and by already small business owners is that how do you manage time? How do you see to it that you are productive at any given day. Learn from this Recording with Visuals with our resident expert, Sonny Del Rosario.

Understand the Challenge of Managing Time
– Prioritize
– Don’t Procrastinate
– Establish Goals and Deal with Blocks
– Delegate
– Say No
– Anticipate

Are you ready to Enter Entrepreneurship? Purchase these recordings now!