7 Ways to Save Planet Earth and Save Money At The Same Time

Are you celebrating Earth Day today? Have you given a thought about the big price tag that comes with saving the environment?

While solar panels are now accessible to people, setting up one for your home may cause you to use a portion of your savings or emergency fund. Electric cars and bicycles can also be quite expensive and relatively “unsafe” given the current traffic situation and the poor road systems in the country today.

But if you really have a big heart for planet, you don’t really need to buy these Earth-saving devices for now. With a little sacrifice on your daily habits, you can contribute a lot to saving Mother Nature and your wallet as well.

Here are some tips for you to consider to help save the environment and your hard-earned money at the same time: Continue reading 7 Ways to Save Planet Earth and Save Money At The Same Time

A Copywriting Model Trusted by Tony Robbins, Michael Hyatt, and Jack Canfield

How effective are you at persuading your customers to buy?

If your sales funnels are creating disappointing results – you’re not alone.

Ray Edwards, the copywriter who has generated an estimated $300 Million dollars in sales, says this:“99% of sales copy does a crappy job at one key thing. This is where the magic is.” Continue reading A Copywriting Model Trusted by Tony Robbins, Michael Hyatt, and Jack Canfield

7 Profitable and Easy-To-Start Online Businesses

Are you ready for a better you this this year? Will this be your breakout year to finally launch your own profitable online business?

You may have been thinking about generating money online every year. You must have attended several seminars and online courses already and have been visualizing what your life would be like if you finally decided to resign from your job or come home for good if you are an OFW.

Stop telling yourself that you will start your online business “next year”. Next year may never come so stop procrastinating. This year is the best year for you to start your online business (despite all the challenges). More opportunities. More money in your bank account.

To help you get started, here are 7 online easy-to-start business ideas. Check out and research which one fits you and get started right away! Continue reading 7 Profitable and Easy-To-Start Online Businesses