Entrepreneurship 101 Webinar (A Must for OFWs!)

Do you wake up every day tired and depressed and questioning yourself if this is the life that you really want? Do you feel that you were meant to do so much more? Do you feel that you were meant to change the world or at least make a difference? Do you feel that you should have been or should be an entrepreneur?

If you are based abroad or just outside of Metro Manila and has been itching to learn more on how to jumpstart your business dreams, join my friend and advocacy partner and serial entrepreneur, Ginger Arboleda, as she takes you through this 2-hour webinar that will help you discover if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

If you are still doubting if you should go into it or if you are still at a lost on how to find that business that you can start, we highly recommend that you sign up for this webinar by clicking the “Register Now” icon below (Please use BGRTR as referral code when you register):

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Can I Withdraw from My Philippine ATM Card Abroad?

“Can I withdraw cash from ATM’s here in (name your country of work) using my Philippine bank’s ATM card?

This has been asked by some of my OFW readers in the past but I have not found time to answer until now.

So, is it really possible for an OFW to withdraw money abroad using his Philippine ATM card? Here’s the answer. (Sencia na, pa-bitin effect lang.) Continue reading Can I Withdraw from My Philippine ATM Card Abroad?

PRESS RELEASE: Bigger & Better ICON 2015 Slated Towards Financial Freedom

Financial planning, entrepreneurship, trading, investment, and stocks… What do these all really mean beyond their dictionary meanings? Do we know what money management exactly means? Are we utilizing what we earn in the right way to invest and create value for a better future? What are the risks involved when it comes to trading and stocks? These are a lot to think about. It might even sound complicated and intimidating, but this is where Randell Tiongson’s ICON 2015 comes in. Hailing from the success of last year’s ICON 2014, Tiongson makes a comeback with a conference that’s bigger and better, and promises to have more in store. Continue reading PRESS RELEASE: Bigger & Better ICON 2015 Slated Towards Financial Freedom