You Don’t Have To Starve (FREE BOOK)

Let me cut to the chase.

I’ve got a digital guide for you today called The Writer’s Roadmap: 12 Steps to Make a Living Writing that you can download at no cost to you by clicking the link below. Continue reading You Don’t Have To Starve (FREE BOOK)

Clients Spend $500/hr For This Guy’s Advice

If you read my last post, you already know who Jon Orana is.

Aside from being the owner of Negosyo University, he also has multiple online businesses that rake in millions of pesos.

One of his businesses is consulting…and his customers pay him $300/hr for his advice. Continue reading Clients Spend $500/hr For This Guy’s Advice

How to Create Profitable eBooks Using the “Retail Shelf Test”

Everyone can create an ebook.

All the barriers to entry were broken down.

Right now, all you need is an idea, Google Docs, and a few images.

And then…TA-DA!!…you have an ebook.

However… Continue reading How to Create Profitable eBooks Using the “Retail Shelf Test”