Why Do Stock Prices Go Up or Down?

Why go back to basics? Because only less than 1% of the Filipino population are investing. And it is presumed that almost half of that 1% are plainly putting in their money in financial instruments such as stocks without even knowing the basic principles and concepts of investing.

For the past two weeks, I have been receiving private messages from different people asking what makes stock prices move. The answer is simply because of supply and demand. Continue reading Why Do Stock Prices Go Up or Down?

Congratulations, You Wasted A Year of Profits (Again!)

Due to consistent, insistent, and pressing public demand, I’m writing a sequel to my Congratulations piece I wrote a couple of months ago.

I am thinking of making this as a series of “Congratulations, You Waster!” rants of how some of my friends and relatives are warding off great earning opportunities and are angry at money they only wanted to spend on things that will make them feel they are better than the others. Even if they keep on complaining that their salaries are not enough.

For those who STILL don’t believe in the Power of Compounded Interest, let’s check how much you wasted when you purchased the following things from April 2012 to March 2013 July 2015.

(Note: If you got cash to buy whatever you want and will never lose money whatever you do and however which way you spend, then don’t get affected with this article.) Continue reading Congratulations, You Wasted A Year of Profits (Again!)

Arise, Philippines! – Snapshots of The Euromoney Philippine Investment Forum 2013

Happy Easter, Filipinos! God has blessed our Easter with enormous hope and confidence that the country will continue to arise from its long economic slumber.

The 2013 Euromoney Philippines Investment Forum held at the Peninsula Manila last March 12, 2013 was a major success. Testimonies are the snapshots taken by my friend and OFW UsapangPiso Forum advisor Carissa Patag of Abacus Securities Corporation as one of the 600 delegates to this year’s forum and the recent investment-grade rating driven by optimism that international investors have for the Philippines. Continue reading Arise, Philippines! – Snapshots of The Euromoney Philippine Investment Forum 2013