How To Work Less AND Earn More Money

You’ve probably heard of business owners living off passive income.

They take vacations whenever they want.

Buy anything they want.

Live the dream.

Am I right?

What if I told you that you could become one of them.

You can earn more money, by working fewer hours, anywhere around the world.

Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?

If you are, then great! Continue reading How To Work Less AND Earn More Money

The 3 Step Formula to Grow Your Audience

There’s a myth going around.

Ask anyone the best way to get noticed online, chances are they’ll say: “Just produce more content!”

Or, “Just write more books!”

Or, “Start a podcast! Shoot some videos! Write more blog posts!”

Somehow it’s as if flinging out random content into the world will somehow magically help you grow your audience and find more readers.

If you’ve ever tried that approach, I’m betting you burned out pretty quick. Continue reading The 3 Step Formula to Grow Your Audience