What “Simbang Gabi” Should Mean Today

The Simbang Gabi (translated as Night Mass) is a devotional nine-day series of Masses practiced mainly by the Roman Catholics, perhaps a few Eastern Catholics, and the Aglipayans in the Philippines in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary in anticipation of Christmas.

There are also a handful of Evangelical Christian and Protestant churches (Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, etc.) that have adopted this beautiful tradition of early morning worship in preparation for the coming celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ the Messiah.

It is held from December 16 to December 24 and is usually done as early as 4 or 5 in the morning. Although a lot of churches have already adopted the anticipated night worship services/Mass for those who can not attend the early morning Mass. The last day of the Simbang Gabi which falls on Christmas Eve is called Misa de Gallo, which literally means the “Rooster’s Mass”, in remembrance of the Filipino farmers during Spanish colonial period who had to attend Mass at 4 AM so they can set to work on their fields by 6 AM. Continue reading What “Simbang Gabi” Should Mean Today

Three Anti-Impulse Buying Reflections This Christmas

Christmas day is fast approaching. A couple of weeks more and you’ll be opening a lot of gift boxes and read tons of greetings in Facebook or Twitter. You’d probably be using Pinterest this time around to share Christmas posters and greeting cards. Cheapskate, aren’t you. 😉

Most of you must have already started enjoying your bonuses and the fruits of your hardwork. Some of you have probably took some of profits and dividends from your investments. Heading out for the malls or fair this weekend to buy gifts for family and friends?

However which way you may have received those blessings and how you want to enjoy them, it is best that you prepare yourself and your emotions for the probability of impulsive decisions this Season.

Consider asking yourself the following reflection questions before pulling out those crispy bills or credit cards out of your wallets. Continue reading Three Anti-Impulse Buying Reflections This Christmas