How To Make Money When You Literally Have No More Cash In Your Pocket

So you don’t have a job now. Or your business isn’t doing well. Or you simply just failed to manage your finances in the previous month and your bills are starting to pile up. Overdue notices have been slipping under your door while you are sleeping.

What are you gonna do now? Should you immediately borrow money from a loan shark?

Here are a few suggestions that you can consider if you are cash-strapped today. Continue reading How To Make Money When You Literally Have No More Cash In Your Pocket

10 Mistakes Pinoys Do Before a Personal Loan Application

10 Mistakes Pinoys Do Before a Personal Loan Application

10 Mistakes Pinoys do before a personal loan application_Masthead

Personal loans are an easy sell for most Pinoys. They have flexible payment options, easy application requirements, and are readily available from banks. Most Pinoys use personal loans to start a business, fund their dream wedding, travel abroad, and start their home remodeling projects. Because personal loans do NOT require any collateral and have easy-approval, they are great for emergencies, too. But is that enough reason to get a loan? Continue reading 10 Mistakes Pinoys Do Before a Personal Loan Application

Why OFWs Need To Invest in P.E.R.A. While Abroad

At last, PERA is here! After half a decade of waiting and being a #Paasa to many Filipinos, especially OFWs, the government has finally launched it to help promote long-term investments.

But what is PERA?

PERA is the acronym for PERSONAL EQUITY and RETIREMENT ACCOUNT. This is a voluntary retirement account, which an individual can set up for his/her exclusive use and benefit. It is similar to the 401(K) of the United States of America that serves as a financial instrument for retirement. Continue reading Why OFWs Need To Invest in P.E.R.A. While Abroad