Are You Really Ready For Christmas?

First morning back in the Philippines after about 400 days of being away on a mission for my family and fellowmen. It felt so good having to pray, reflect, and attend a solemn Christmas worship service/Mass at the Greenbelt Chapel before working on a project related to my financial literacy advocacy.

Many of us have taken the first steps to achieving financial freedom in the past year. Some have improved their financial conditions after realizing the importance of frugality. Others have finally harvested the fruits of their labor through their investments.

When new investors and interested individuals ask, “Are we ready to invest?”, financial planners and advisors would always mention about proper spending habits, debt elimination, insuring one’s self, building emergency funds, among others.

But one more question that makes sense to ask ourselves  is “Are we ready for Christmas?” It’s true that we all should also be prepared and thankful for all the blessings that we have received and shared to others.

We give thanks for being able to do the tasks that we planned and the New Year’s resolutions we promised to commit in the beginning of the year. We give thanks for our generosity and compassion.

But are we really ready for Christmas? While this season should be a cause to be grateful for what we’ve done, the most important reason to be thankful for is having a generous God to provide us bitter answers to our questions of incompleteness and lack.


Are we going to be the same happy person without the riches of the world? Are we ready to become fishers of men despite having nothing at all? Are we ready to receive our Lord Jesus in our hearts this Christmas despite having nothing but our wounded hearts?

Tonight, as we gather to celebrate Christmas with our loved ones let us remember those who find no reason to be happy right at that very moment. Let us remember those who will not be spending Christmas eve with their families and loved ones. Let us remember in our prayer those who believe they have no reason to be singing Christmas carols tonight.

Continue to receive more information about financial instruments and investment vehicles this Christmas season 2013 by subscribing to BurnGutierrez.Com for FREE.

P.S. 1. Bro. Bo Sanchez has appointed me as a coach for our young and new investors at the TrulyRichClub social site. It’s a fun, learning family with the purpose of “helping good people become rich”. I’m inviting you to join the TrulyRichClub too and email me at if you have any questions. Click here to join!

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