ALERT! New Scams To Defraud Filipinos in 2015

A lot of you are aware that I deleted my previous “scam alert” post late last year. Scammers and online fraudsters did not only attack my article but even threatened me and my family. One of the scammers even sent me the complete address and number of my loved ones. That’s how sneaky you are fraudsters.

I hope you are doing great this time, my fraudster reader after hearing and watching the news about the warning from the Securities and Exchange Commission on Emgoldex. I may have paused for a while but there will be many others who will not back down and continue the fight against greedy people like you.

But let’s end that chapter of your story today. You have some stiff competition that we need to pin down as well. Continue reading ALERT! New Scams To Defraud Filipinos in 2015