Pretend To Be Rich?

To cap off my Christmas blog posts series, I thought it would be apt to write something about how some people try to win friendship with the rich by trying hard to be like them.

In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, that’s even healthy. Some life and finance coaches even recommend brushing elbows with the wealthy (financially, spiritually, relationally). Being friends and in company with the rich attracts positive vibes and makes you feel good. Which is actually good.

But others just overdo it. I call them the not-so-rich-and-are-actually-not-yet-rich people who just don’t want to be left out. They would try hard to look rich and do everything to get what the rich can easily have.

Do you have relatives and friends who are like that? (Or are you like that?)

They get extremely jealous when they see their friends show off ther latest iPhone or any smartphone model. They cry to death whenever they learn that their officemates would take a trip again to another tourist destination that they’ve been dying to go to.

They love partying out every payday weekend despite complaining that they don’t have enough to pay for their bills. They badly want to have that thing that they think almost everyone already has.


You Can Be Rich By Just Being Yourself

1. For some people, it’s hard to accept the fact that they were not born with golden spoons on their mouths. But it’s something that should instead become a motivation to work harder and smarter until you bail out of poverty. Most rich people I know wouldn’t mind someone’s social status for friendship.

2. Be proud of what you can do. While there are people who may have all the money in the world, some of them also dream to have the talents and capabilities that most not-so-rich people have. Use your talents and strengths to build relationships and to enrich yourself.

3. Continue to work towards your financial freedom by decent means. Avoid joining any get-rich-quick-schemes just because you want to reach your financial goals quickly. You can achieve wealth slowly by living in simplicity, being financially literate, and believing in yourself and God that you can truly be rich in all aspects of life in the right time.

Some who are poor pretend to be rich; others who are rich pretend to be poor. The rich can pay a ransom, but the poor won’t even get threatened. The life of the godly is full of light and joy, but the sinner’s light is snuffed out. Pride leads to arguments; those who take advice are wise. Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows.” – (Proverbs 13:7-11)

May you all practice a frugal yet fruitful living this year!

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3 thoughts on “Pretend To Be Rich?”

  1. If you are born poor its not your fault. But if you die poor its your fault.
    – Bill Gates

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